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New Dwarven Hall

Posted: Mon 05.12.2005, 04:22
by Jug
Thanks go to Fink/Polysatan for submitting a great new level design for a Dwarven Hall !  I think I can safely say that nothing like it has been seen in MAngband before.  It's an excellent job.

Fink's level has been put on 1000ft so you can all rush down there to check it out.

There's still plenty of levels to redesign, including the standard town at 0ft.

- Jug

Re: New Dwarven Hall

Posted: Mon 05.12.2005, 06:30
by Warrior
I'm working on a Dwarven Hall, maybe the one at 2k, if no one else has one ready yet.
It might take a couple of days though before it's finished, since I'm a newbie when it comes to doing stuff that is not:
  • Coming up with hard to code suggestions.
  • Complain about hard to fix problems.
  • Playing a PERFECT and BEAUTIFUL game like Ironman MAngband

- Warrior