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[BMA] Cleaning house.

Posted: Mon 17.01.2005, 02:17
by Berendol
I just deleted a whole bunch of players whose names I deem inappropriate. I will also not be listing them here.<br><br>Also, the instances of PLAYER and PleaseKillMe and PleaseKillme. You should have seen that coming if you used them, so... no complaining.<br><br>Don't make me do that, folks.<br><br>I even deleted Zelirin, which is Later's latest name. Try to be more creative next time... I have more sleuthing skills than you give me credit for, and deleting you is getting boring.

Re: Cleaning house.

Posted: Wed 19.01.2005, 13:54
by Fink
I hope you havent cleaned out me ;)
(my names are: super, super 2, hunter and store)

am i able to change name???

Re: Cleaning house.

Posted: Wed 19.01.2005, 17:07
by Berendol
No and no

Re: Cleaning house.

Posted: Wed 26.01.2005, 14:30
by Berendol
Cleaning house again...

A lot of people have been making anti-Kull names for themselves. That's not allowed, so bye-bye to the following savefiles: KullisFruity, Kullislame, Kullismean, Kullwilldie, Kullwillpay, Wehatekull, Diekulldie, Iamkillnkull, and Ihatekull. If you owned any of these, grow up.

Also deleted: A, Aaa, Asd, D, Ddd, Dddd, Ddddd, Dddddd, Ffff, Ffgh, killme, O, PLAYER, and Q.

Re: Cleaning house.

Posted: Thu 27.01.2005, 21:53
by Maegdae
I remember back when a group of newbs and I sat in town with with account/party names like "Bigjuanisbigpk"..

Protesting and striking and such don't really work on Mangband.

Re: Cleaning house.

Posted: Fri 28.01.2005, 01:07
by Big_Juan_Teh_Furby
I remember that...didn't I kill both the bigjuanisabigdoodoohead characters AND the primary characters? :p

Re: Cleaning house.

Posted: Fri 28.01.2005, 17:33
by Berendol
A lot of people confuse this with a democratic organization.

It's actually a monarchy, or perhaps a dictatorship.


Re: Cleaning house.

Posted: Fri 28.01.2005, 18:23
by Maegdae
Dictatorships are only bad when you don't have a choice of residence -)

They are also can be nice depending on your place on the food chain.

Re: Cleaning house.

Posted: Sat 29.01.2005, 12:24
by Berendol
It's good to be the king.


Re: Cleaning house.

Posted: Sat 29.01.2005, 22:12
by Big_Juan_Teh_Furby
So am I the court jester?

Re: Cleaning house.

Posted: Sun 06.03.2005, 17:41
by Berendol
Cleaning house again...

Deactivated savefiles: Adsf, Asdf, Asdfasdfasfakui, Beal_the_poo, C, C**t, D, Dadalus, DEH, Deh, Dsja, F, FEGH, FEH, Ff, H, Gdh, Hdwgvf, Hklj, K, KEL, Kds, Mokey, Name, Nlkasdf, OM, Om, Oom, PLAYER, Player, T, Temp, Test, Testdude, Tester, Tester1, Testwhee, UL, Uidkslao.

Please let me know if one of these was a valid player and you want it back.