Better friendly targeting for healers?

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Giant Mottled Ant Lion
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Better friendly targeting for healers?

Post by Ashi » Wed 28.05.2008, 22:10

While I was playing a Priest recently I noticed how ineffective it can be to include friendly targeting in a heal other macro when in a party of more than two members.

As an example, in our party, we often had a Warrior tanking the monsters while the Mage provided some ranged support, and it was my job to keep the Warrior alive with my healing. At first I only created macros that included the friendly targeting command, (. However, this command seems to target whoever has the fewest HP, whether or not they are at maximum. This meant that my macros kept healing the unhurt Mage while the Warrior stood there taking big damage -- in fact, the Warrior would often drop down to a 1 or 2 before the macros would target him.

I'd like to request any improvement on the ( command that would make it prioritize players who are damaged over those who are unhurt. This would help out healers and their parties greatly, especially now that party diving is popular again and large groups are fairly common.

I think that the ideal solution would be to target whoever is at the lowest percentage of health first. For example, if you have a Warrior who has taken 100 damage but is still going strong, and a Mage who has taken 50 damage and is at half health, clearly the Mage needs healing more urgently than the Warrior. That being said, I don't want to keep bogging down the developers with my requests, so any small improvement in this area would be appreciated.

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King Vampire
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Re: Better friendly targeting for healers?

Post by Flambard » Thu 29.05.2008, 10:53

I'm pretty sure your demand is reasonable. Looks like a bug to me, but it borderlines enchancement. In any case it's accepted :P

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