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Extended build commands

Posted: Sun 19.10.2008, 19:15
by Kom
Today, working around with my own server, I thought of a couple things that would be nice...

- Being able to place doors/traps using the build menu
- Building in a larger area, say 3x3 or 5x5
- placing mud, water.
- Instead of having to build grass or dirt, how about a clear tree build option, that changes trees and dark trees randomly to grass or dirt, thus preserving paths and other things that might be in the way.
- Being able to build a room, (input width and height, being placed on the map with the upper left corner under the dm)

I will probably add to this as i continue on.

- The ability to select a square of permanents with a door and make it into a player house and being able to set the price.
- place shopkeepers in different locations, have multiple shopkeepers, even if it has to be with the same inventory.

- Place a permanent light with a particular radius.

- When generating multiple items, generate them as a stack instead of placing a bunch of single items on the ground.

Re: Extended build commands

Posted: Wed 14.04.2010, 20:14
by Warrior
Trunk has greatly improved DM features that will allow a lot of this iirc.