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Full list of macro commands

Posted: Fri 24.04.2009, 02:40
by schroeder
It would be nice if we could get a full list of all the things you can do with macros, quite possibly in the documentation for mangband. This would include strange things like how to set up a macro to inscribe things (i saw kaze do it once).
This was prompted by someone asking how to change preferences with a macro. I don't know if even stuff like that is possible with macros, but if it is, then things like that would also be highly appreciated, i'm sure.

Re: Full list of macro commands

Posted: Fri 24.04.2009, 07:49
by Flambard
\e - Escape Key
\r - Return Key

:) Macros do not exist in some separate realm, they are same commands. "f1*t" is not a magical spell, it means, "press f, press 1, press *, press t", if you do it manually, you WILL shoot an arrow. So, anything you can do with keyboard, you could macro. Unless there're some complications, but that's it.

Re: Full list of macro commands

Posted: Fri 24.04.2009, 11:43
by schroeder
ooh, never knew about /r. Thanks! It would still be nice if that little bit was in the mangband command reference stuff though. It would also be nice if their was a reminder there about how priests heal party members and things like that though...most people don't remember how and someone always needs to search through the forums to find the command.

Re: Full list of macro commands

Posted: Fri 24.04.2009, 13:29
by Agor
Also perhaps some basic inscriptions, like how to auto-pickup items, how to not drop/sell items by accident and how to Recall to a specific level. (and the targets of macros as in @s)

But I guess someone from the community could just type these up in a forum thread, and then others could add to that, and then a dev could post them up in the doc-section.

If you want I can type up a basic list? And then others could add to it? (As I'm still a semi-noob)