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Multiplayer Possesor Angband

Posted: Mon 21.09.2009, 08:36
by Emulord
Has anyone played Posband? Basically, the idea is that you play as a soul and you can incarnate in different bodies that have different stat modifiers, innate attacks & resistances (or weapon slots). Imagine teams of dragons or townspeople rampaging in the dungeon!

Basically, A variant where the only race/class is Soul/Possessor. Probably minimum levels on bodies would be necessary for it to not be unbalanced. Body trading would be pretty cool.

Oh, if someone is incarnated as a unique, that unique shouldn't be generated. Deincarnating always destroys the body. Since the quality of available bodies keeps increasing, probably after the first few wins the server should be reset.

Of course this would be a lot of work, but it would be awesome. Probably at least as awesome as the team deathmatch server.

Re: Multiplayer Possesor Angband

Posted: Tue 22.09.2009, 11:26
by PowerWyrm
/me smells the foul stench of ZAngband...

Well my variant already has Shapechangers, which are close to the possessors. The Possessor class is an overpowered joke in ToME, it surely won't be implemented in MAng, unless you're ready to code your own variant ;)

Re: Multiplayer Possesor Angband

Posted: Tue 22.09.2009, 22:19
by Thorbear
PowerWyrm wrote:The Possessor class is an overpowered joke in ToME, it surely won't be implemented in MAng, unless you're ready to code your own variant ;)
I don't think he meant for it to be implemented in MAngband, but rather that someone should make a new variant from Posband.

I think it sounds like a cool concept, But I doubt I'd be playing it much, seeing as I haven't even really played PWMangband.
That said, variety is still good =)

Re: Multiplayer Possesor Angband

Posted: Wed 23.09.2009, 04:02
by Emulord
I dont see how this is from ZAngband. MZangband would be way too chaotic to play.

Yes possessors are a overpowered joke in Tome. In Posband they're not so bad. However, if the experience curve was way different (faster at the beginning and slower at the end), possessors could be really interesting. Since you're gaining innate AC/speed/resists as you're levelling up.
Improving your body is neccessary. It also could be difficult to swap your gear around as you're improving your body. Also, dying would destroy your body.

In some ways, I think Shapechangers are more powerful, since you can switch on the fly. Battle not going well? Turn into a Poltergeist and hop in the walls etc.

Yeah, this would be its own variant/server.