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Posted: Sat 24.04.2010, 05:08
by schroeder
Angband has a rather nice feature which allows you to tell it to 100% ignore whichever items you want to.
The way they have it, is 'Ignore X quality or worse of this item'

Because of having multiple people on each level in mAngband, and having a max of one item per square, Squlching would have to work slightly differently, but it would still work the same general way.
The game would simply check to see if everyone on the lvl had that item set to be squelched, and then decide weather it should be erased or not. This would be done at the time of item generation/identification.
'Ignore all qualities' would make it ignore the item at generation time.
'Ignore X quality or worse' would make it ignore the item once its ID'd.

Additionally beyond angband's method, you could add a list of all item base types which you have Identified. There, you could tell it to ignore it or not.
Additionally, this could be used as an alternative to the issue we are having with boomerang arts. Arts that you have found could be added to the list, where you can specifically exclude them.

This feature would reduce clutter, and make their be less of a space issue on the ground when you kill monsters.

The feature would have to be disabled in town/the wilderness for obvious reasons.