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Make The One Ring more dubious

Posted: Thu 27.12.2012, 12:45
by Domiano
The One Ring is, depending on your class/style, either OP or mediocre. I think we should make it more... interesting.
If you put on The One Ring, you are not brave, because you just put on the frigin One. Thus, you shouldn't get the brave score bonus if you have it. Additionally, it should make death permanent if you WERENT brave as well, because if you died with The One on, you deserved it, and your character really should never be able to remove The One once you put it on.
This could be especially evil if we added an autoremove timer as I mentioned earlier; If the autoremove timer hit zero while you had The One on, your soul would be lost to the darkness, and you would permadie.

You would obviously need to warn the player of all this if they tried to wear it XD

You could also make it more interesting for characters who would otherwise never wear it, like a mage who uses spells for damage. Have it apply additional damage to all spells you cast! For rangers, have it give you an extra shot or something.

Re: Make The One Ring more dubious

Posted: Thu 27.12.2012, 13:05
by Warrior
The problem with The One Ring is that it's not rare enough. This IMO is also the problem with many of the other top artifacts. That said, I'm not negative when it comes to tweaking items in the game, all though artifacts I'm generally a bit more reluctant to change than say some of "our own" items. But again, the most important thing is to have a world that "works" and "makes sense". And that is interesting. But I guess mangband is fairly well known for being "conservative" when it comes to adding new functionality (or that we've been so far, until we get sufficiently aligned with Angband). But, since several of these suggestions are pretty evil, you never know, Flambard might love them :)

Re: Make The One Ring more dubious

Posted: Thu 27.12.2012, 16:08
by PowerWyrm
Domiano wrote:The One Ring is, depending on your class/style, either OP or mediocre.
*COUGH* *COUGH* Mediocre? You get all 4 frigging immunities, +5 to all stats and speed, a ton of resists... rofl...
Who would not consider using it?

Re: Make The One Ring more dubious

Posted: Thu 27.12.2012, 22:48
by Domiano
mages/rangers who would rather wear a speed ring cus they have enough stats, though i guess your right, no need to add any class-specific buffs.

Re: Make The One Ring more dubious

Posted: Tue 01.01.2013, 14:12
by Flambard
Hmm, what if we add some more punch to the 'aggravate' flag for all the items?

Like 'aggravate' == spawns nazguls near you every random turn :)

Re: Make The One Ring more dubious

Posted: Tue 01.01.2013, 15:03
by PowerWyrm
Nah... aggravate is already bad as it is. And even more in this old version where monsters get the first turn when a player aggravates. You get punished enough with the One Ring which is permacursed and forces you to *des* every recall/stair point.

Re: Make The One Ring more dubious

Posted: Fri 01.03.2013, 08:32
by Warrior
I don't think the One Ring is currently mean enough, especially if you're already wearing some other aggravating equipment.

Flambards suggestion is great (and in line with the lore). How about adding a HEAVY_AGGRAVATE? Normal Aggravate but since the One Ring also has special connection with the forces of Evil, there is a random chance for some of Saurons attacks:


Perhaps it'd be mean enough to just add random teleport, blind, scare, forget and brain smash? I don't think Tele Level should be added, as that'd make it a definite NO for everyone. No one's gonna risk losing a GCV or ZoCD.

And perhaps a tiny chance for Summon Ring Wraith... :)

Re: Make The One Ring more dubious

Posted: Fri 01.03.2013, 14:42
by Domiano
IMO, the teleport flag would make it unusable, since teleportation at deep depths *will* get you killed quick enough from time hounds...

BUT how about this:
Include the other flags, but make them unresistable. So, even if you have resist fear, you WILL become afraid after the one ring randomly says you should be.

Re: Make The One Ring more dubious

Posted: Mon 04.03.2013, 12:47
by PowerWyrm
I tell you, permanent aggravate is enough to get a player killed. No need to add more fancy stuff...

Re: Make The One Ring more dubious

Posted: Mon 04.03.2013, 12:49
by PowerWyrm
Note that current V devs are planning to completely remove aggravation for the next version and replace it with stealth penalty, so that one aggravating item isn't that bad, but more are.