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Posted: Mon 02.06.2014, 23:11
by Gorom
Can there be a way to see what arts haven't been found? On the unique list the ones that you haven't killed are in grey. Why can't that be the same for the arts!!! If it is found it is in white and if it isn't found it is in grey! Easy concept and makes the game a lot more fun.

Re: Lists

Posted: Tue 03.06.2014, 11:00
by PowerWyrm
Arts are ordered by index from artifact.txt, you just need to go check that file to see which arts are not found yet.

Re: Lists

Posted: Fri 06.06.2014, 20:40
by Warrior
This has been discussed in the past and as far as I recall we decided to not go for it.

Reason: Probably something along the lines that on a fresh instance (or just a new player...), players wouldn't have a clue that artifacts exists at all. I remember when I was 16, finding Angband for the first time, finding artifacts for the first time and thinking it was awesome. I don't think I would have felt the same way if the game presented me with complete knowledge of all items in the game.

And I don't buy the "more fun" argument at all. It'd be convenient, yes, but there's a lot of convenient stuff thats not been implemented, for various reasons. Arguably it could show artifacts that you yourself have found (and sold/lost) in grey, that wouldn't really be a problem. Will have to discuss with the other guys.