Zero starting gold

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Crimson Mold
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Zero starting gold

Post by Domiano » Wed 12.12.2012, 20:28

Hi everybody, weirdest thing happened to me today. Rolled a character, and got *zero* starting gold.
chuck lvl1 no gold.png
chuck lvl1 no gold.png (72.85 KiB) Viewed 17102 times
I didn't realize I had zero gold till after I killed maggot, and tried to buy an id scroll. I checked the log to make sure I didn't somehow buy things, but I saw nothing. Character name is Chuck Norris.

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Re: Zero starting gold

Post by PowerWyrm » Fri 14.12.2012, 13:00

Stupid question... you checked that at birth right? You didn't wander in town before checking?

"I didn't realize I had zero gold till after I killed maggot"

This probably means you started with some gold, and you got robbed by townies.

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Evil Iggy
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Re: Zero starting gold

Post by Warrior » Fri 01.03.2013, 09:07

We could in theory check logs to see what happened here but I don't really feel like it now to be honest. However if the issue appears again we'll have to investigate. As always, thanks for reporting though.
-- Mangband Project Team Member

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