Wait, that's not an AMHD!

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Joined: Sat 26.10.2002, 17:11
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Wait, that's not an AMHD!

Post by Froof » Thu 30.01.2003, 18:24

So a couple nights ago I was diving a little past 3k, and saw a 4-room with a flashing D and some white Zs in it.  My first thought was 'oh, AMHD and some Water or Interia Z, easy.'  So I get near it and I find out the hounds are actually gravity, but I had a corner to fight 'em around but I wasn't worried.  The flashing D hadn't woken up yet either, so I wasn't worried.  So one of the hounds breathes, and I find myself 2 spaces away from a GWOC, NOT a AMHD.  It seems irked that I disturbed its rest, so promptly summons a mature red d next to me.  That dies in like 2 hits, and covers the floor.  Now at this point I'm standing there with a GWOC 2 spaces away, and 3 Gravity Z breathing on me.  I'm furiously hitting my *destro* macro, but I see a multi-colored flash and I go from a 6 to an @ somewhere else in the level.  So since that d died, only one ring dropped, and since I had like no backup gear since I'd lost all my houses to a recent overflow bug, I couldn't really do much, and so I felt like restarting.  So ya, watch out for those flashing Ds.  Ugh.

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