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Invunerabilety On = I am safe.

Posted: Fri 28.03.2003, 03:09
by Fink
I (Nannif Mage) fought "Carcharoth, the Jaws of Thirst" without proper respect.

Long fight and all was going Very well, did not take a hitpoint. GoI was working terrific. Suddenly fight had moved to a room, not big, but big enough to be filled by 15 Plasma Hounds. As I was terrified, at once I tried to destruct, and then I saw at the bottom, knocked down in red.
OK, I drank potion, destruct,I drank potion, destruct,I drank potion, destruct,I drank potion, destruct.
Nothing... Nothing...Nothing happened. Knocked down = dead, but I had all my 970 hp left, all my potions, but no commands went through.
I looked at log, Plasma Hound breathes, Plasma Hound breathes, Plasma Hound breathes, Plasma Hound breathes.
Then to my terror, I saw that my HP started to decline, as GoI had ended.
I continued to drink/destruct but it was no use.

Knocked down in red.

Then I was a Ghost, and Later Narchan resurected me. Lost 5 levels and Istaris +3 with resist Disenchant.

Maybe Sound resist, and maybe teleport staff would have saved me.

Re: Invunerabilety On = I am safe.

Posted: Fri 28.03.2003, 03:20
by Domino
Yeah, you would think that wouldn't you..  Goi is nice but it only prevents hp damage not status effects.  I died in a similar way because I didn't resist chaos.  Up the stairs I went into a pack of chaos hounds..  Instantly I was confused and hallucinating.  The pack was so large that even drinking a healing potion did nothing for me.. they kept breathing and re-confusing/hallucinating me.  Nothing I could do except watch helplessly until Goi wore off and I was killed.  Ah well chalk another one up in the hard lessons learned column..