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Curious about poundy's playstyle

Posted: Thu 08.01.2009, 10:08
by Ace
Hi there!

Anyone else wondering why he is quaffing death potions, dives to the deepest depths grabs powerful artefucts just to quaff a death potion again? Is it so he is able to drop artifacts in his house or what? :)

Would be great to have another new guide for the strategy forum ;)


Re: Curious about poundy's playstyle

Posted: Thu 08.01.2009, 12:27
by PowerWyrm
Quaffing a potion of death helps you revive all the high uniques from your list. If you drop all your gear before you lose only xp which is easily regained (of course this won't apply to spellcasters like mage or priest which would lose essential spells). However, doing this you can kill the uniques that drop 12-15 excellent items over and over and quickly gain perfect gear.

Re: Curious about poundy's playstyle

Posted: Thu 08.01.2009, 12:58
by Ace
Sounds very cheesy to me :) People got upset over less in the past already. Especially in the spirit of those rules we have the "ghost" is like something that should be used and treated like an emergency situation and not to be able to get excellent equipment in short time....

Maybe uniques should respawn a bit more random not the top X that have the best drops to lower the chance of exploitation.

Anyway seems to work for this character personally it would not be my kind of strategy I think. Who would want to die voluntarily :)

Thanks for the response PW

Re: Curious about poundy's playstyle

Posted: Thu 08.01.2009, 21:15
by Ashi
Who would want to die voluntarily? Maybe we can come up with some good strategies...

(1) Cycling uniques. Kill the uni, kill yourself, repeat as long as you want. The risk is of course that you won't get any stronger while you are doing this, since you are losing rather than gaining HP and SP. I think it's a legit strategy, since it basically amounts to "selling" EXP for money.

(2) Power level someone without getting caught. Tell people "I'm dropping to level XX so I can dive with this guy" and they'll turn their heads away. When they aren't looking, put on your über endgame arts and slay demon pits while the other person hides in a corner and racks up levels.

(3) Dramatic and funny death scenes. Polymorph some townies and kill yourself, then when curious people check your death scene, they'll see that carefully placed line of a townie, hobbit, eye, golem, ant, mould, and eye.

(4) Capping your EXP. Maybe you want to kill Morgoth without hitting level 50, but once you hit upper 40's, you don't want to stop killing monsters. The solution is to either die or use potions of Lose Memories. I personally chose to use the Lose Memories potions, but discovered (a possible bug?) that your max EXP continues to increase when you kill stuff after drinking the potion.

(5) Dropping arts in your house? Don't do it. (Although if you do, be sure to inscribe them {for sale} for some laughs.)

Re: Curious about poundy's playstyle

Posted: Fri 09.01.2009, 12:15
by PowerWyrm
(6) - Continuation of (3): put a ton of ego items of vunerability and a morgul weapon, find a scrawny cat, get killed again and again... eventually the scrawny cat will be the main cause of high level player deaths on the stat page :)

Re: Curious about poundy's playstyle

Posted: Fri 09.01.2009, 13:10
by Ace
(7) Play normaly until level 50 then quaff a potion of death and try to defeat Morgoth as a ghost for real fame.

Re: Curious about poundy's playstyle

Posted: Sat 10.01.2009, 10:53
by Maegdae
PowerWyrm wrote:Quaffing a potion of death helps you revive all the high uniques from your list. If you drop all your gear before you lose only xp which is easily regained (of course this won't apply to spellcasters like mage or priest which would lose essential spells). However, doing this you can kill the uniques that drop 12-15 excellent items over and over and quickly gain perfect gear.
Not really effective. Only a couple uniques will regen, and the one who isn't a pain to find (Sauron) is not exactly a free walking vault.