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My house ownership dissapeared

Posted: Sun 14.02.2010, 14:14
by Diaidis
I bought a house on 12.02.2010 for 288k. Yesterday there were some glitches in the game. Status wasn't saved etc. Today the house is for sale and all the items I had in there... gone.. I'm not even talking about losing Gondolin with ESP in the dungeon glitche when game didn't save status after exiting.

Re: My house ownership dissapeared

Posted: Sun 14.02.2010, 23:14
by Warrior
Hi there.

I investigated our logs and not surprisingly, there's no mention of the house (or the gondolin weapon). As would be expected, considering the disk was full and that logs didn't get saved any more than savefiles did. I assume more people than you lost a fair bit of both time and "money" and to compensate for all of it would be difficult, but in your case it seems fair to at least partially compensate for this, I'll have a look at it tomorrow, if you're around we can talk about it in-game, if not I'll just make the changes directly.