Reasonable PK'ing.

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Evil Iggy
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Reasonable PK'ing.

Post by Berendol » Sun 26.01.2003, 05:15

I propose we put together a list of reasonable causes for PK'ing. It'd be nice to have that, so we can all agree that some pkill was justified. That way we can avoid situations where someone becomes my mortal enemy because I pkilled someone else.  ;D Oh, and don't forget to warn people a couple times first.

I'll go first. Here's a list of things I will think about PK'ing you for:
  • Cussing at me, and other forms of verbal harassment. This WILL get you killed, if possible. I hate that. Be a man, not a 5th grader.
  • Mocking my name, impersonating me, starting a character with a similar name to mock me, and other similar offenses are punishable by death. Don't do it.
  • Stealing from me, or a friend of mine. This applies to some in-game friends also. I may choose not to enforce this. Stealing a house key is immediate death, no matter what I'm doing at the moment.
  • Making the game environment generally worse by your chatting - incessant whining, especially about not being allowed to cheeze, will earn you an expedient death. Other punishable ways to detract from our environment: Making the game excessively perverse, signing in and sitting in town just to argue or harass people because you had a bad day and need to take it out on someone else, and repetitions/flooding on in-game chat with no intent to stop after you've been asked a few times.
  • Unnecessary PK'ing, especially going on newbie-killing sprees, farming newbies, or killing smaller people just for the thrill. Justify your actions and I'll let you off the hook. For reference, when someone comes of age (level 18/21/25/30) I don't consider him a newbie anymore.
  • Pretending to be a newbie in order to annoy people. I really can tell the difference between legitimate newbies and fake newbies.. if you're going to create a character and play pretend, at least don't use things you shouldn't otherwise know about like the stores, the run command, wands, staves, rods, potions, scrolls, BM monitoring/scumming, stair scumming, etc etc. And do try to adopt a new speech and reason pattern for the occasion. I recognize the regulars by a lot of factors. THIS sort of thing really annoys me, and I will be more likely to decide in favor of a PK in case of an offense.
Of course if you kill me, it was probably justified because only the best of players make it to high enough levels to do that... and I respect their decisions. That's respect earned through months of hard work.

Oh, and I am quite the PK artist. I don't always like to use the conventional Set Hostile and Stand Next To method... some of my preferred methods are a little more classy and/or devious. For example, I talked a newbie who refused to learn how to play and only wanted fast levels into using one of my summon staves at 50'. That's what you get for wanting to be the best without any work or time investment. Sometimes I will summon next to someone to kill them a little more sneakily. Or, perhaps I will set a trap, or destruct the level you are on, and burn all your recall scrolls with fireballs. Maybe I'll lead a big pack of hounds you've said you don't resist over your way. I'm pretty good at messing with minds, too. I have a lot of options. Anyone tried tossing potions of death, detonations, ruinations, etc? How about mushrooms of unhealth, disease, etc? Or artifacts - automatic critical hit, and they'll occupy precious floor space - less drops for you! What about summon/lead + darkness? Oh, how about the bow-and-arrow method? I'm surprised we don't ever see that one. Needless to say, I might not kill you straight out in hand to hand, but if I say you're going to die, I'm not kidding.

There, I said my piece, you can use this as a reference in case of any disputes. I think I'm a reasonable man. I don't PK for fun. I don't usually PK in situations like I've described above. I believe there is always another option - including me signing off so I don't have to deal with you. And I never PK without several minutes' advance warning, and ample opportunity for everyone involved to back out of the situation, except in the case of deliberate impersonation. I do not PK because I had a bad day, or because I want a cheap thrill, or because I think you're stupid. Thanks for reading my spiel. I welcome intelligent responses of any disposition.
By appreciation, we make excellence in others our own property. (Voltaire)

Giant Mottled Ant Lion
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Joined: Sun 10.11.2002, 19:58

Re: Reasonable PK'ing.

Post by Ashi » Wed 29.01.2003, 22:42

You left out my favorite method...turn the guy into a Fruit bat and pelt him with power DSMs. He can't pick them up since he is a fruit bat..thus making it a slow and painful death.  ;D

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