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More Ideas for Pwmangband

Posted: Mon 19.01.2009, 02:24
by eliotn
Some d20 inspired classes...

Commander (better tolkien name for leader?): Very good at fighting, but also has permanent auras, from his inspiring leadership, that give bonuses to *other* player characters in his party, like additional speed, better fighting (accuracy and damage), less chance of spell failure, faster healing, etc.

Druid class: Has some skill with fighting, some healing/nature spells, automatic ESP for animals/other creatures of nature that gains power as you level up, and the ability to become those creatures, like the shapeshifter, but *only* those creatures.


Handle shopping better, why do I have to press ESC several times in order to get out of the store, and why does it not show the item disappearing until I press ESC a couple of times?

Make monster spells macroable, for the shapeshifter class.

*This goes for Mangband too*: We need a different system for death. My idea is that when you die, you go to the town level, and your corpse stays on the level you died (containing your stuff), however, it will go when the level gets deleted after a couple hours. You can get ressurected if:
1. You go into the 4, you loose three levels, your corpse, your houses and your stuff, but you get gold to comphensate.
2. You go down to the level where your corpse is, and go to the exact spot where you died. For a certain length of time, you are vulnerable to attack (as your ghost goes into the corpse), but then you get all your stuff back. You will loose some experience to comphensate.
3. Somebody reads a scroll of life on you or your corpse, you loose 3 levels, and get your stuff back, although the things you get are not as powerful.

In places where pking is allowed, there should also be the possibility of having a hostile opponent loot your corpse.