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More on the Squelch function

Posted: Wed 29.08.2012, 21:44
by Ace

I just did some short test...

1. Squelched items
2. unignored items [picked up 10 summon scrolls which showed up]
3. dropped them at some field in the home (8)
4. enabled ignoring again (rendering the summon scrolls invisible
5. now dropped a quarterstaff 0,0 on the field

I would expect that the quarterstaff would land on a neighbouring field, however it "destroyed" the summon scrolls lying on that field.

Assume now that this is the same with items that are worth somehting you could accidently delete a lot of your stuff...
Also when dying a squelching player has an advantage over a player not squelching, probably his dropped items will fall all around him even if there were squelched items.

I suppose it should never overwrite if there is room,
if there is no room there should be a confirmation to delete squelched items (or at least log that something was destroyed)

Re: More on the Squelch function

Posted: Thu 30.08.2012, 11:33
by PowerWyrm
This is a feature available in V: when you drop an item on a grid which contains other items, the oldest squelched item in the grid gets destroyed. In PWMAngband, since the number of items in the grid is always 1, if there's a squelched item in the grid, it gets destroyed. The point is that "squelched" items are items seen as "completely worthless" by the player and thus can be deleted like junk. If you care about certain items, just leave the squelch level low enough to not squelch the items.

Concerning dying players, you won't get any advantage since you cannot retain squelched items while playing (any squelched item will instantly fall on the ground and disappear when discovered). The only way to pick up a squelched item is to toggle unignoring and pick up the item. But as soon as you toggle ignoring back, the item will fall on the ground.

I'm planning to add a second squelch level for wearables and different squelch feelings for consumables to be able to do some fine tuning. But for the time present, the best is to leave the squelch level at "worthless" to simply hide junk items and display everything else.

Re: More on the Squelch function

Posted: Fri 31.08.2012, 11:27
by PowerWyrm
For 1.1.9 beta, I've already replaced the prompt for autosquelch level by a menu. This menu only contains one item ("all items") for now, but I plan to change it to five items: jewelry, DSMs, other wearables, books, other consumables. This will allow to fix five different squelch levels for these categories, to be able for example to squelch all worthless items except "good" wearables and all DSMs.

Re: More on the Squelch function

Posted: Fri 31.08.2012, 15:14
by PowerWyrm
Zaxx wrote:For 1.1.9 beta, I've already replaced the prompt for autosquelch level by a menu. This menu only contains one item ("all items") for now, but I plan to change it to five items: jewelry, DSMs, other wearables, books, other consumables. This will allow to fix five different squelch levels for these categories, to be able for example to squelch all worthless items except "good" wearables and all DSMs.
Now implemented!
My local source code is now ready for the 1.1.9 beta release (savefile version has been increased to 1-1-9-5 to prevent old 1.1.9 betas from working with the final beta release), the version will be released as soon as I come home tonight, so stay tuned!