PWMAngband 1.0.3 is out

Issues, news, and discussion specific to the PWMangband variant.
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PWMAngband 1.0.3 is out

Post by PowerWyrm » Mon 07.04.2008, 18:26

New PWMAngband 1.0.3 released!
(test server updated, new client available at usual location)

List of changes:
- players won't switch places with themselves anymore when pressing the ';' command
- the cfg option ALLOW_ARTIFACT_HOARDING is now turned off by default
- added an "unconscious" state for monsters (m_ptr->hp = 0)
- "unconscious" monsters don't get energy (they don't move, don't cast, don't attack...)
- "unconscious" monsters don't regenerate
- fixed project_m(): mind blast should pick a random effect (stunning, confusion, sleep or fear) and not apply all of them each time
- DM is now invisible by default (SECRET_DUNGEON_MASTER = true)
- stealing is now disabled by default (NO_STEAL = true)
- dropping/throwing for level 1 chars is now disabled by default (NEWBIES_CANNOT_DROP = true)
- added a cfg option LIMIT_ESP (false by default) to activate a radius of telepathic awareness around the player instead of using full-level ESP (the area of telepathic awareness around the player is elliptic instead of circular with a radius on the x-axis equals to three times the radius on the y-axis)
- base radius for area of telepathic awareness is set to MAX_SIGHT (20 squares... which will produce an elliptic area roughly equal to one sector of the level)
- base radius for area of telepathic awareness for Thunderlords (racial bonus) is now set to (p_ptr->lev * MAX_SIGHT / PY_MAX_LEVEL), which will be equal to the radius given by ESP items when the character reaches level 50
- inverted TR1_MANA and TR1_XXX1 to group secondary bonuses ("mana capacity", "stealth", "searching", "infravision", "tunneling", "speed", "attack speed", "shooting speed", "shooting power")
- pricing for player owned shops implemented like MAngband, but only for PLAYER_STORE_BM (price x4) and PLAYER_STORE_XBM (price x10) type of shops
- damage dice for weapons capped at 11 instead of 10 (to allow +1 for ego/art scythes of slicing)
- damage dice for missiles capped back at 9 (instead of 10)
- fixed missing rating boost on amulets of the Magi/Trickery/Devotion/Weaponmastery
- amulets of the Magi/Weaponmastery updated to match Angband 3.0.x
- Angband 3.0.x OBJECT_XXX flags implemented
- fixed update_mon(): DM should always have full ESP
- fixed update_player(): players are now detected by telepathy just like monsters
- racial ESP now allows to detect corresponding players: half-orc/ESP orc, half-troll/ESP troll, ent/ESP giant, thunderlord/ESP dragon, yeek/ESP animal
- monsters can now be poisoned
- monsters can now bleed from their wounds
- ego picks of Earthquakes are now limited to +6 to str/digging (instead of... +9!!)
- fixed telekinesis_aux(): it was possible to send an object to a player whose pack was full
- the maximum weight a character can carry is now really capped (to 5 times the current weight limit computed from adj_str_wgt) - this should ensure that no integer overflow occurs when picking up items
- amulets of ESP renamed to amulets of Telepathic Awareness
- amulets of Telepathic Awareness don't provide full ESP anymore, but instead they provide a random ESP ability (one chance to give one of the 9 different ESP abilities + two extra chances of providing ESP evil + one extra chance of providing full ESP)
- weapons (holy avenger) now only provide ESP undead and ESP demon instead of ESP evil
- weapons of Gondolin now only provide ESP troll, ESP dragon and ESP demon instead of ESP evil
- the rarities of ego Crowns and Helms have been reworked to lower the chance of generating Crowns and Helms of Telepathy (1/55 instead of 1/28)
- the rarities of ego weapons have been reworked to lower the chance of generating weapons of *Slay Evil* (1/93 instead of 2/94)
- dwarven lanterns and feanorian lamps use a blue ~ symbol again for display to avoid confusion with artifact light sources
- new ego light torches/lanterns: (Everburning)
- darkness/unlight effects disabled in wilderness during day time
- the radius of artifact light sources has been increased from 3 to 4
- Angband 3.0.x player_type.skills flags implemented
- all obsolete player_type.skill_XXX flags have been removed
- preferred classes updated for all races (no restrictions implemented yet, player_race.choice is simply informative at this stage)
- minor display bug in class_aux_hook() fixed: hit die for rangers is 5 (and not 8)
- unbelievers have been nerfed a bit (stats + abilities) to make warriors the best fighting class and unbelievers the second best fighting class (otherwise nobody would play warriors...)
- TR3_TWO_HANDED was missing as an obvious flag when describing artifacts
- a line in the description has been added when describing a two-handed weapon
- fixed price_item(): it was still possible to sell very cheap items (food, missiles...) for 0 gold

Alignments with MAngband 1.1.0 beta 1:
- No ghost option -> done
- Implement Angband ESP -> done, but slightly differently
- Stone to Mud destroys(?) cash -> fixed
- Reintroduce door jamming -> command changed back from '/' to 'j'
- Restore non drop artifacts -> fixed, but only when ALLOW_ARTIFACT_HOARDING is set to false (the Crown and Grond can still be dropped in houses)
- Artifacts sold to shops should vanish instantly -> done
- New two wide rubble kills stairs -> fixed
- Wands of Clone Monster -> fixed
- Gold drop crashes server -> fixed
- Limit monster inventories -> fixed
- Stacking discounts should be off by default -> fixed
- Server crash on whois -> fixed
- Player Interaction (pkilling) -> in PWMAngband, this was a cfg option... now removed
- Disable monster inventories for townies -> done
- Ask confirmation before selling house -> done
- All levels create dumps -> done
- Core dumps broken -> fixed
- Bump savefile version to 1.1.0 -> further cleanup in load/save routines done
- Client over reaction to unknown packets -> fixed
- Player interaction not disabled -> fixed
- Allow people to see their shops -> done
- A possible empty space for gold is skipped -> fixed
- Reintroduce stealing -> command changed from 'j' to 'J' + fixed stealing (nothing)s
- Detection broken for invisible monsters -> fixed
- Artifact dropping broken -> fixed
- Examine command breaks line in the middle of words -> fixed
- MAngband specific items generate without extra abilities -> nothing to fix in PWMAngband, just added the missing descriptions + implemented describe_stats() and describe_secondary() to match MAngband
- Small bug in Prison vault -> fixed
- Character cloning -> fixed
- Speed exploit -> fixed
- Res Chaos / Res Confusion behavior -> fixed + updated the lib files to reflect the change
- House door colors -> done (allows a couple more colors than MAngband, default to black)
- Player shop titles -> done, with player shop titles matching the regular stores more closely
- Ghost character sheet upon ressurection -> fixed
- Wilderness dellocation problem -> fixed
- Damage and Accuracy rings can be created with too high (or low) of value -> fixed
- Slaying rings can be created with too high (or low) of value -> fixed

Since is accessible once more, I'll try to rush and release a 1.0.4 with the latest changes from MAng 1.1.0... I hope the problem is fixed for good.

Crystal Ooze
Posts: 368
Joined: Fri 15.02.2008, 12:50

Re: PWMAngband 1.0.3 is out

Post by Ace » Tue 08.04.2008, 11:21

just one question is the source from your variant also public?

Posts: 1574
Joined: Sun 27.11.2005, 15:57

Re: PWMAngband 1.0.3 is out

Post by PowerWyrm » Tue 08.04.2008, 12:03

Not yet... as it is a complete mess atm. I released the source for 1.0 a while ago and I'll do it again once I got everythign done for my own 1.1 version.

Crystal Ooze
Posts: 368
Joined: Fri 15.02.2008, 12:50

Re: PWMAngband 1.0.3 is out

Post by Ace » Tue 08.04.2008, 15:05

nice :)

Giant Mottled Ant Lion
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Re: PWMAngband 1.0.3 is out

Post by Hades » Thu 10.04.2008, 14:46

Send me the revised version when you can via through e-mail power. I'm going to see what I can do to fix my serv from here...
PWMAngband Host - Check out and download the client, server, lib files, sound fx patch and even the source code for this new variant!

Posts: 1574
Joined: Sun 27.11.2005, 15:57

Re: PWMAngband 1.0.3 is out

Post by PowerWyrm » Fri 11.04.2008, 22:49

Well you'll gonna wait a bit cos...

New PWMAngband 1.0.4 released!
(test server updated, new client available at usual location)

Finally I had time to align PWMAngband with the final MAngband 1.1.0 version... Next to come is the Necromancer class, and probably a few more bugfixes and enhancements until PWMAngband's own 1.1.0 version is released.

List of changes:
- fixed do_cmd_takeoff(): inscription was checked against {!T} and not {!t}
- removed the starting amulet of Telepathic Awareness for DM
- reduced archer confusion brand duration (aligned with scrolls of monster confusion)
- increased archer poison brand duration, weapon poison brand duration, stinking cloud poison effect and explosion bleeding effect to half the duration of the confusion effect
- added missing poison brand effect from poison branded missiles

Alignments with MAngband 1.1.0:
- Player owned shops -> done
- Mage Spell: Find Hidden Traps/Doors -> done
- Client over reaction to unknown packets -> fixed
- Stacking and Awareness -> fixed
- reading phase/tele from floor eats first item in inventory -> fixed
- Missing charsheet update on 'k' and 'd' -> fixed
- Macro menu unintelligible -> done
- Clean up in game help -> done
- Rune of Protection in town -> fixed
- Summoning should not work in town -> fixed
- Remove MAngband specific shop hacks -> done
- Reimplement Junk -> done, but only skeletons were reintroduced (the forthcoming Necromancer class will have a use for them...)
- Missing version from dumps -> fixed
- SDL crash on F12 -> fixed
- Player shop exploit -> fixed
- No ghost cosmetics -> done
- Pack overflowing lets you drop artifacts in town -> fixed
- Players checking their own store inventories -> fixed
- Console whois doesn't report no ghost status -> fixed
- Console kick doesn't work through irc -> fixed
- Uniques list formatting sucks -> done
- Cloning -> done
- Player notifications -> done

Posts: 1574
Joined: Sun 27.11.2005, 15:57

Re: PWMAngband 1.0.3 is out

Post by PowerWyrm » Sat 12.04.2008, 09:26

Oops... is experiencing problems with their hosting service atm. Their FTP server is down, and so ... is still linked to the old 1.0.3 client. I'll make another post once the new 1.0.4 client is available again.

King Vampire
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Re: PWMAngband 1.0.3 is out

Post by Emulord » Sun 13.04.2008, 21:42

Necromancer class sounds AMAZING!! This may be the reason Ill give PWMAngband a whirl.

Posts: 1574
Joined: Sun 27.11.2005, 15:57

Re: PWMAngband 1.0.3 is out

Post by PowerWyrm » Fri 18.04.2008, 22:47

New 1.0.4 client is available again... although I'm not currently running any server because I'm busy playing vanilla MAngband and coding more stuff for PWMAngband (version 1.0.5 is around the corner with some core changes in the source code... so it' s gonna take a bit of testing before being released).

Posts: 1574
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Re: PWMAngband 1.0.3 is out

Post by PowerWyrm » Sat 19.04.2008, 16:40

New PWMAngband 1.0.5 released!
(test server updated, new client available at usual location)

I have completely rewritten the spell system to match vanilla Angband more closely. Since I plan to add another spellcasting class, I didn't want to add more hardcoded spell flags and names... so I rewrote x-spell.c, added spell.txt with all the new spells and updated some code to load all spell names and descriptions from that file. This will make adding the new Necromancer class an easy task...

List of changes:
- TV_XXX_BOOK renumbered to reorder magic realms starting with TV_MAGIC_BOOK
- obsolete array spell_flags[] removed
- obsolete array spell_names[] renamed to ghost_spell_names[]
- ghost_spell_names[] now contains the names of spells for ghosts only
- get_spell_name(), get_spell_index() and get_spell_info() implemented (x-spell.c)
- print_spells() now displays colorful information (see Angband 3.0.x)
- casting identify, greater identify, enchant armor, enchant weapon or elemental brand now doesn't use mana if aborted or used on an inappropriate object
- casting banishment now doesn't use mana if nothing is banished
- removed dead code about casting spells without enough mana
- x-spell.c now fully implemented in Angband 3.0.x fashion
- spell.txt now fully implemented in Angband 3.0.x fashion
- Maximum number of spells updated in limits.txt

Alignments with MAngband 1.1.0:
- Metor Storm Spell effects cause lag -> fixed
- Looks like any other level -> fixed
- Cloning -> done
- Junk a little too common -> done
- Server-side Screenshot feature -> done
- Poor logging -> done
- Uninitialised variable used -> fixed

Posts: 1574
Joined: Sun 27.11.2005, 15:57

Re: PWMAngband 1.0.3 is out

Post by PowerWyrm » Sat 26.04.2008, 22:24

New PWMAngband 1.0.6 released!
(test server updated, new client available at usual location)

Adding the Necromancer class was a breeze with the new spell system. Currently the class is playable as a dark mage sort of spellcaster, but not all the spells have been implemented, as well as some of the most particular abilities (like the ability to turn into undead or raise the dead). I'll try to finish it next week, considering that I'll be on vacation during two weeks after that...

List of changes:
- recharge and telekinesis spells now don't use mana if aborted or if an invalid object is selected
- rogue books are now light blue/blue to match player class color
- archer books are now light grey/grey
- Necromancer class added (player class color: light red)
- p_race.txt updated (class choices)
- p_class.txt updated
- limits.txt updated (object kinds, player classes, spells)
- spell.txt updated (necromancy spells)
- object.txt updated (necromancy books)
- added a class ability for necromancers: starting at level 6, they slowly develop a resistance to all special attacks from undead (like stat drain, exp drain, paralyzation...) with a base chance of resistance equal to 40% + 1% per level of the necromancer
- basic necromancer spells implemented
- Mind Blast (telepath spell) has been simplified: it does now less damage (max 15d6 instead of 12d14), has less chances to be resisted, but has a charlevel * 2 % chance of becoming a beam instead of a bolt
- Confusion Blast (telepath spell) now also confuses mindless creatures that don't resist
- Hypnosis (telepath spell) now also puts to sleep mindless creatures that don't resist
- Stunning Blast (telepath spell) now also stuns mindless creatures that don't resist
- poison/bleeding duration from poison/shard balls increased again (for monsters), but the effect will now occur only 25%/33% of the time
- Inertia Wave (telepath spell) now also slows down monsters that don't resist (inertia effect)
- Rift (mage spell) now also slows down and stuns monsters that don't resist (gravity effect)
- Ice Storm (mage/necromancer spell) and other ice ball effects now also make monsters (that don't resist) bleed
- orcs and monsters hurt by light now resist dark
- Horrify spells implemented (see spell.txt)
- Shadow Touch implemented (see spell.txt): for the duration of this spell, each successful melee attack will drain a number of hit points from monsters that are not undead, unliving or demons equal to the dice of the weapon used (or 1 if fighting barehanded) and give this amount back to the caster
- Absorb Soul implemented (see spell.txt)
- Cloud of Draining implemented (see spell.txt)

Alignments with MAngband 1.1.0:
- Player shop titles -> done, allowing the shop title to be picked up from an inscribed item inside the house
- Targeting bug disables movement -> fixed
- Fueling lamp from floor doesn't update equiptment to show change -> fixed
- Players accidently leave shops while hallucinating -> fixed
- Store problems when sun rises or sets -> fixed

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